10 Simple Tips to Keep Your Kitchen Sparkling

The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in your home, but also one of the hardest to keep clean. From cooking spills to dirty dishes, your kitchen can quickly become a mess if you don't have a good cleaning routine. But don't worry, we have some simple tips to help you keep your kitchen sparkling without spending hours scrubbing.

1. Take out the trash regularly. Don't let your trash bin overflow or smell bad. Take it out as soon as it's full or smelly, and use a trash bag with a drawstring or a lid to prevent leaks and odors. You can also sprinkle some baking soda at the bottom of your bin to absorb smells.

2. Wipe up spills immediately. Don't let spills dry or stain your countertops, floors, or appliances. Use a cloth or paper towel to wipe them up as soon as they happen, and use a mild cleaner if needed. You can also keep a spray bottle with water and vinegar handy for quick cleaning.

3. Clean up after each meal. Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink or on the table. Wash them by hand or load them into the dishwasher right after you finish eating, and wipe down your table and counters with a damp cloth. You can also rinse off any pots and pans that you used and soak them in hot water if they need more scrubbing later.

4. Clean your sink daily. Your sink can harbor bacteria and germs from food scraps and dirty dishes, so make sure you clean it every day with hot water and soap. You can also use a diluted bleach solution once a week to sanitize it. Don't forget to clean your faucet and drain as well.

5. Clean your stove top after each use. Your stovetop can get greasy and sticky from cooking oils and sauces, so wipe it down with a damp cloth or sponge after each use. You can also use a degreaser spray or baking soda paste for stubborn stains. If you have removable burners or grates, soak them in hot water and dish soap once in a while.

6. Clean your oven monthly. Your oven can accumulate grease and food residue over time, which can affect its performance and cause smoke or fire hazards. To clean it, you can use an oven cleaner spray or make your own with baking soda and vinegar. Follow the instructions on the label or online carefully, wear gloves, and ventilate your kitchen well.

7. Clean your fridge weekly. Your fridge can get cluttered with expired food items, spills, crumbs, and odors if you don't clean it regularly. To clean it,

  • Empty it out completely

  • Throw away any spoiled food

  • Wipe down all surfaces with warm water

  • Use baking soda for stains

  • Dry everything thoroughly

  • Put everything back neatly

8. Clean your microwave every few days. Your microwave can get splattered with food particles

and liquids that can harden over time. To clean it, you can:

  • Fill a microwave-safe bowl with water and lemon juice or vinegar

  • Heat it for a few minutes until it boils and steam up the microwave

  • Wipe down the inside of the microwave with a damp cloth or sponge

9. Clean your cabinets and drawer smoothly. Your cabinet sand drawers can collect dust, dirt, and crumbs from storing food items and utensils. To clean them, you can

  • Vacuum or dust them with a soft brush or cloth

  • Wipe them down with a mild cleaner or wood polish if they are wooden

  • Organize your items by category and label them if needed

10. Clean your floors daily. Your floors can get dirty from foot traffic, drops, and spills. To clean them, you can

  • Sweep or vacuum them to remove any loose dirt or debris

  • Mop them with a floor cleaner or water and vinegar depending on the material of your floor.

  • Dry them with a towel fan if they are wet

These are some simple tips to keep your kitchen sparkling, but if you need more help, you can always call us. We are a professional cleaning service that offers quality and affordable cleaning for residential and commercial.

Need help with cleaning? Contact us today!


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